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Dementia Care Updates

Sterling House – Dementia Ready!

While under new management we continue to make positive changes to the home to ensure it is the best it possibly can be.
With that in mind, we have updated our doors to be completely Dementia Care friendly. It’s very common for someone with Dementia to be less sensitive to the differences in colour we have gone with bold colours to ensure that the home is fully accessible.


Care Suite doors allowing access for residents to their own private suite have been painted blue inspired by the Dementia Society logo. Communal doors where residents can join the carers or other residents have been painted yellow, toilet doors painted green and in-accessible doors painted red.


By doing this we want to ensure that any residents have complete access where they need it keeping their independence when it comes to staying with us.


You can book a viewing with us you will find Sterling House Residential Care on Thorpe Road, Norwich.
Our Registered Manager, Deana is on hand to answer any questions you might have.