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Additional Care FAQs

Care and Support FAQs

At White & Sterling, we aim to provide exceptional care services whilst allowing our residents to maintain the high level of independence they deserve. Our care staff offer all of the support and reassurance you could hope for, with an expert team available to provide 24hr personalised care in the comfort and privacy of your own home.


What is the CQC?

CQC stands for Care Quality Commission , a Government appointed body which regulates care services and aims to improve the standard of social care.
They set the fundamental standards of which care providers must meet, and then perform regular inspections to ensure those standards are being reached consistently.

The CQC produces reports that are published and placed on display and are available for anyone to read or download, and will require care providers to improve any aspect of their service when standards are not being met.


What are the fundamental Standards of care?

Please see the below list of standards that are expected and that of which Sterling House will be governed by to deliver:

Person-centred care
You must have care or treatment that is tailored to you and meets your needs and preferences.

Dignity and respect
You must be treated with dignity and respect at all times while you’re receiving care and treatment.
This includes making sure:
You have privacy when you need and want it.
Everybody is treated as equals.
You’re given any support you need to help you remain independent and involved in your local community.

You (or anybody legally acting on your behalf) must give your consent before any care or treatment is given to you.

You must not be given unsafe care or treatment or be put at risk of harm that could be avoided. Providers must assess the risks to your health and safety during any care or treatment and make sure their staff have the qualifications, competence, skills and experience to keep you safe.

Safeguarding from abuse
You must not suffer any form of abuse or improper treatment while receiving care.
This includes:
Degrading treatment
Unnecessary or disproportionate restraint
Inappropriate limits on your freedom.

Food and drink
You must have enough to eat and drink to keep you in good health while you receive care and treatment.

Premises and equipment
The places where you receive care and treatment and the equipment used in it must be clean, suitable and looked after properly. The equipment used in your care and treatment must also be secure and used properly.

You must be able to complain about your care and treatment. The provider of your care must have a system in place so they can handle and respond to your complaint. They must investigate it thoroughly and take action if problems are identified.

Good governance
The provider of your care must have plans that ensure they can meet these standards. They must have effective governance and systems to check on the quality and safety of care. These must help the service improve and reduce any risks to your health, safety and welfare.

The provider of your care must have enough suitably qualified, competent and experienced staff to make sure they can meet these standards. Their staff must be given the support, training and supervision they need to help them do their job.

Fit and proper staff
The provider of your care must only employ people who can provide care and treatment appropriate to their role. They must have strong recruitment procedures in place and carry out relevant checks such as on applicants’ criminal records and work history.

Fit and proper staff
The provider of your care must only employ people who can provide care and treatment appropriate to their role. They must have strong recruitment procedures in place and carry out relevant checks such as on applicants’ criminal records and work history.

Duty of candour
The provider of your care must be open and transparent with you about your care and treatment. Should something go wrong, they must tell you what has happened, provide support and apologise.

Display of ratings
The provider of your care must display their CQC rating in a place where you can see it. They must also include this information on their website and make our latest report on their service available to you.

What care is available at Sterling House?

Typically the care required by residents is assistance with daily activities, including mobility transfers from one place to another using mobility aids, bathing/showering, dressing, personal hygiene, medication delivery and administration , using the toilet and helping with meals. Yet as health starts to deteriorate with age, other conditions and complaints start to arise.
Most commonly these include diabetes, coronary heart disease, osteoporosis, incontinence and some other health presentations.

The Healthcare staff are trained to assist with all of these, as well as a whole range of more serious care needs. The Healthcare team also provides end of life support, which the residents have the choice to opt for at the start of their care package or once settled in.

All End of life care plans and delivery of care are overseen by The Community Nursing Team, the individual’s GP, the Registered Manager and Head of care who will provide bespoke commitment to the resident, staff and family and friends with the respect and dignity such an emotional time for all deserves.


Is there care available 24/7?

Sterling House will be fully staffed 24/7. There will be a 24-hour on-call service for assistance in the event of an emergency or problem covered by the senior health team and Registered Manager.


Can the Healthcare team manage all of my care requirements in my own apartment?

Yes, generally all conditions associated with becoming elderly and frail can be met in the privacy of your own suite.


Can I stay with my present GP?

Upon admission, we will register you with our local GP and pharmacy. All ( if any ) medication will be delivered monthly directly to your suite and booked in. The Health care team will arrange with the local GP for annual health reviews and if required home visits.

Book a personal or virtual viewing

Our in house team are able to show you the show apartment via both virtual and face to face viewings! Arrange to be chaperoned to and from Sterling House for a private viewing or instead have a viewing through facetime, giving you the same experience as if you were there yourself, with the benefit of still being able to ask the same questions you would when on a face to face viewing!

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